The engineering design world has evolved so much that the pace at which technology is moving shows that within a split second, myriads of new, efficient and well structured designs which help to improve upon human existence are either discovered or produced in such a way that the whole human community cannot help but apppreciate the very essence of her existence. People can pay their way through for a vacation to the moon. These tremendeous progress has been commended world over, yet the entire univerese is plagued with unsurmountable natural disasters like the wild fire in America, Huricane ,Psunami in Asia, issues of poverty in the developing continuents of the world. Malaria, HIV AIDS are ravaging millions of people in Africa. I should not also leave this stage without mentioning the naging issues of Global warming caused by high level of carbon dioxide emission facing the whole world. Even though science has done so much in addressing some of these problems, more needs to be done
Depends on what your problem is. Custom tires and wheels, tires with weak sidewalls, and underinflated tires can all make a suspension seem bad, and a thorough check of all the tires is one of the first things that should be done. Then the the next steps would be to have the wheel alignment checked (all 4 wheels), and to have the shock absorbers or struts checked. Then there are the tie rods, sway bars, ball joints, and control arm connections that can all be checked for bad bushings, bearing surfaces, and worn parts. Some steering gears are also adjustable. Suspension systems are complicated and hard to diagnose. Good Luck. Constant velocity joints can also be a problem, but if they are, you can usually tell from the noise they make.