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What is the best way to price baby clothes for a garage sale?

I'm looking to have a garage sale and have a ton of baby clothes. I do not want to put stickers or masking tape to price the clothing (as that looks cheap to me). How would I go about labeling the prices without using straight pins? I was thinking of using safety pins but what would I attach to the safety pins? Wouldn't paper rip too easy as they go through the clothing? Please help! Thank you!


No, If you do this many may follow you. Than it will be very dangerous to maintains.
i say no i think harrison has a few more years left in him i dont think he will get over 1000 yards in any of those though gonzalez is probably going to start playing a lot more now that harrison is getting older i can see harrison getting about 700 yards per season untill he retires and gonzalez getting 500 yards until harrison retires wayne will continue to get 1000 yards for the next 5 season they also have dallas clark to is a reliable safety net for manning
The NFPA 72 Fire Alarm code does not require a smoke detector to be placed inside an elevator. Smoke detectors are to be placed in the elevator shaft at each floor level including interstitual spaces and in the elevator penthouse but not the elevator itself. I have never seen one placed inside an elevator.

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