Home > categories > Automotive & Motorcycle > Axles > what is the best way to straighten out a rear axle on a 2005 yamaha blaster?

what is the best way to straighten out a rear axle on a 2005 yamaha blaster?

the rear axle on the right side is bent and i was looking for the best way to straighten it out?


made need to adust the air/fuel mixture or purchase some new jets. When it starts bogging down, kill the engine and pull out the sparkplug. See if it looks very black or dry. that will tell you if your getting to much fuel or not enough air
Best to replace it. Heat and force will weaken it and you'll never get it back to perfect. An off line axle will be a constant source of destructive and unpleasant vibration.
My rear axle was bent and I just replaced it (still not sure how it happened). No reputable shop would bend an axle back and reinstall it on a bike. Especially since axles aren't that pricey.

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