What is the concept of renewable resources
Renewable natural resources at the present stage of the nature of the specific space and time conditions, can continue to regenerate regeneration, multiplication and growth, maintain or expand its reserves, depending on the source of renewable. Renewable energy refers to the use of a variety of renewable energy sources, strictly speaking, is not a lifetime of energy consumption. Renewable energy does not contain current limited energy sources, such as fossil fuels and nuclear energy. Not only the number of non renewable resources is limited, in a certain time and space scale, the number of renewable resources is also limited. In other words, renewable resources are not inexhaustible resources, it is a dynamic concept.Renewable resources only when we control the amount of cases, weigh the resource exploitation and re formation rate conditions, the utilization rate is less than the US is "inexhaustible, inexhaustible". Most of the renewable energy is actually solar storage. Renewable means not only to provide ten years of energy, but a century or even thousands of years.
Generally refers to those through the use of renewable resources, processing, consumption, and waste combustion process, still can be in a certain period (predictable) repeated formation, and has self renewing, self restoration and sustainable utilization of natural resources or a class of non natural resources. Corresponding to non renewable resources, it is necessary to strengthen the construction and promotion of green resources in sustainable development. Such as: soil, solar energy, wind energy, water, plants, animals, microorganisms, geothermal, tidal energy, biogas, and a variety of natural biological communities, forests, wetlands, grasslands, aquatic organisms, etc.Mining, oil production, fishing and forestry are generally regarded as the industry of natural resources, and agriculture is not. Natural resources are the natural wealth of goods. Natural resources are those which can be used in the production and life of human beings. Such as: water resources, land resources, mineral resources, forest resources, wildlife resources, climate resources and marine resources.
Once the source of a species disappears, the resource can not be regenerated, so that the scientific and rational use and protection of species sources, it may be inexhaustible". Soil is a semi renewable resource, because soil fertility can be continuously updated by manual and natural processes.Most of the renewable energy is actually solar storage and release. Renewable means not only to provide ten years of energy, but a century or even thousands of years. With the emergence of the energy crisis, we must realize the importance of renewable energy, but also need to generate awareness of the protection of resources
Through the regeneration and renewal of the natural function, the resources which can be repeatedly used for human beings are called renewable resources. Such as plants, microorganisms, biodegradable plastic bags, water resources, geothermal resources and a variety of natural biological communities, forests, grasslands, aquatic organisms, etc.. Renewable natural resources at the present stage of the nature of the specific space and time conditions, can continue to regenerate and reproduce, multiply and grow, maintain or expand its reserves, depending on the source of renewable. To get from nature, renewable non fossil energy sources, mainly refers to wind, solar and hydro, geothermal energy and ocean energy and other natural resources, renewable energy resources are very rich in China, for the economic development and the development and utilization of great potential and military resources have great potential.