i'm having work done on my unit and the contractor is using fiberglass insulation that does not have paper backingit is R-13, which I read is the correct rating for wallsi also see that it's bunched up in places, especially around electrical boxes, stuffed over wires, and that there are voidsany pros out there that can help? thanks.
my hair is the same way what I do is get 2 ponytys and use one to separate the hair get your in thin sections when you do the first one just tie it and put it up with a clippy and there u go just do it in thin layers then put ur hair into low pigtail and slowy use the straightener on it works for me all te tiem
R-13 or R-15 is standard for exterior walls, it should not be bunched up around anything it is designed to insulate best when fully expanded, the installer shoud have cut out around electrical boxes, and there shoud not be any voids, any thing that can not be filled with insulation should be filled with a foam in a can productas far as running it over wires that will offer the best insulation as apposed to cutting around the wires