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What is the difference between a tablet PC and a tablet phone?

What is the difference between a tablet PC and a tablet phone?


The tablet doesn't have a SIM card slot, but it's still a tablet computer.Tablets installed on a SIM card slot, and then install a phone module, it has become a tablet phone.SIM card slot installed on a tablet PC, and then install a GPRS module, it has become a 3G Tablet PC, can only access the Internet, unable to call.
Different from the flat mobile phone tablet computer is mainly multi support call function, communication function of mobile phone to support some functions, like the general mobile phone, the mobile phone SIM card can be directly inserted into the flat mobile phone, telephone, SMS, with mobile phone with similar, with mobile phone 2G network on the Internet can also generally; the size of 5-7 inches; while the tablet computer alone do not usually carry the communication module, no mobile phone SIM card slot, support 3G or WIFI wireless Internet, size is relatively large, generally in the 7-10.1 size.
Personally feel that there is not much difference in the number of calls, in fact, the tablet PC connection WiFi, there are network calls software can be used. The main thing is to see the system, Android, then feel the phone is almost flat with it ~!
Data access and call function, in fact, almost the same, the phone's most primitive, the most important function is to call, play games, watch movies, or tablets, a little better

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