I know that one uses an galvonometer and slip rings and one uses a battery and commutator. But what else is there? Thanks
There are many features and variable designs with each, and much can be said about each device. Current can be alterating or direct, slip rings and commutators may or may not be necessart as the poster above has eloquently explained. But the essence of what you want to know is their fundamental relationship to one another. What is left when you've stripped away the nonessentials and variables : An AC generator generates electrical energy (an electrical current) from either a chemical energy source like a fossil fuel, or from mechanical energy through a hand crank. An electric motor does the opposite: it consumes electrical energy and converts it to mechanical energy. Schematically, you can see that they do the opposite - - - - - - GENERATOR - - - - - - - - - - - - - MOTOR - - - - - - (chem or) mech e --> elec e - - - - - elec e --> mech e Each device is a transducer of the opposite kind, like a microphone and a speaker (sound --> elec and elec--> sound) where the transducers are diaphragms and magnets (mike diaphragm generates a piezo current, then the speaker current shakes a speaker diaphragm). For the generator and motor, the transducers are magnets and rotating coils: a coil is turned in a magnet yielding a current which is modulated by a device (rings, brushes, etc) then a current which is modulated powers a magnet to turn a coil. Mirror images. (Incidentally, An AC motor and a generator can both use slip rings.)
The ac motor and generator use slip rings and brushes whereas a dc electric motor uses a commutator. see hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hba... for examples
Basic DC motors use a commutator. There are other types of DC motors that do not use a commutator at all. It is all based on how the motor is designed. Actually, an AC generator, could be operated as a motor. The AC generator uses slip rings to conduct a magnetizing DC voltage into the rotor to create a magnetic field that cuts through the stationary windings to produce electricity. Forget the galvanometer thing, that is for science class demonstrations of concept, not for practical machines. The DC motor, and an AC generator both can use a battery in their operation. There are many different types of AC motors. The common induction AC motor found in most appliances, such as the clothes washer, has a rotor made up of shorted bars that produce a magnetic field, that follows the magnetic field produced in the stationary windings. Universal electric motors are actually DC motors that can be operated with DC or AC. These motors have a commutator in them.
ac generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy and electric motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy but i dont know why coil cannot rotate in motor but can rotate in ac generator can anybody tell me