I have a fear of fire extinguishers and i don't know why. As far back as i can remember i've been afraid. people would ask if anything happened to me when i was still in the womb and I would always say no. idk why i'm afraid.
This quote appears after first diagram on page (scroll down). It lists a few types of reflected light but I chose this b/c of geometry shape. Reflector Geometry and Shape The geometry and shape of the reflector plays an important role in both light intensity and light distribution. It determines how the focus of a shape is created with regard to the rays of light bouncing off the surface. Some commonly used shapes are parabolic, elliptical, spherical, etc. Parabolic reflectors are shaped like a section of a parabola and have one focal point. When the lamp is placed at this focus, the rays of light reflect in a parallel fashion. These types of reflectors are found in the back of regular floodlights, for example car headlights or the kind used to typically light a driveway. For aquarium applications the typical reflectors sold as parabolic reflectors are not completely enclosed parabolic reflectors, but primarily a 2-D swept section of a parabola approximated by bending sheet metal into planar segments. The Spiderlight and the two PFO reflectors are examples of parabolic reflectors. To create a 3-D shape, a faceted construction is used to create a closed parabolic shape in 3-D, e.g. Diamond Light’s Luminarc III reflector.
Monoammonium Phosphate. If ANY moisure is present in the cylinder the agent can cake up and cause the unit not to function properly.