What is the linearity of switching power supply
Linear adjustment rate for the input voltage maximum and minimum output voltage stability indicators, but this provision has a number of standards to 220V, for example, if you specify a maximum of 264, the minimum is 185V, Vof said full load when the output voltage, there are three algorithms : The algorithm is as follows:
ATE which in the end with which one, you will test the report out to count about. I used to use the CHROMA6000, which is the formula inside the dead, but CHROMA8000 as if you can modify their own.
For only a set of outputs, there is a LOAD REGULATION is the load regulation rate, Von said no load when the output voltage, the algorithm is as follows:
Respectively, called the normal voltage load regulation, high pressure load regulation, low voltage load regulation.
When there are multiple sets of output, one or more of the output with overloaded but no load output increases due to the increase in duty cycle, relative to the original increase in the number of cross-load regulation is called Accuracy range, because each group must be set at least once overload or light load to observe the other output of the situation, so called cross adjustment.
Different power supply, linear adjustment rate is different
Constant pressure source:
Linear adjustment rate: the rate of change of the output voltage within the specified input voltage range; ΔV / V = (V - V1) / V * 100%
Load rate: change in load within the specified range, change rate of output voltage; ΔV / V = (V-V1) / V * 100%
A constant current source:
Linear adjustment rate: the rate of change of the output current within the specified input voltage range; ΔI / I = (I - I1) / I * 100%
Load regulation: change in load within the specified range, change rate of output current; ΔI / I = (I-I1) / I * 100%