What is the most effective and cost effective way to insulate the attic of an older home?
using foil would be the same as using the pan as isYou do not NEED foil or parchment paperPeople baked long before either one was invented.
I never have wax paper at home and always turn to foil! Just wipe some butter, oil, or cooking spray generously on it and you should be good to go! It just sucks though since sometimes the food does get stuck so make sure you coat the foil enough to get all the corners and nooks so that nothing sticks! Hope this helps! :)
Yes it is a suitable emergency subI would spritz(not looking to change the macaroons texture) it with some Pam to avoid macaroons stuck to the foil or the other way aroundGet too happy with the Pam and it won't be nice to your macaroonsMake sure your foil is FLATRemove roll from box/packageLay roll over baking sheetGive it a little push and let it unroll the proper amountCut with scissors CAREFULLYThe wrinkles would make your cookies ugly, well aesthetically speaking it wouldThey also wouldn't brown evenlyShiny side of foil or dull side? First the howFoil must be doubled to avoid tearing in the manufacturing rollersFoil is just so thinThis means the shiny side was against the rollers and the dull side was against the second layer of foilShiny side upThe reflective properties of the foil do impact baking results but not to the extent some would like to suggestThe differences between dark and light is not as pronounced as say a bright aluminum pan and a dark non-stick panBaking times vary when using different types of dishes but the difference is so small where foil is concerned so just keep the shiny side up for presentation reasons.
blown in insulationYou can buy it at any big box and rent the blower( free most of the time)you can choose how thick you want it to be the thicker the insulation the better the effectiveness.