What is the name of the Greek wine that has been treated with Pine Tree Resin?
Washing them should get most off, the hair should be sucked up into the lint collector in the dryer. You can use a lint roller to remove whats left.
Lint brushes are less expensive that lint rollers (since you don't have to keep replacing the sticky surface) but they are also less effective at getting the hair off. Lint rollers will get the hair off but your clothes may attract more hair and dust as some (cheaper) lint rollers can leave sticky residue on your clothes (not enough to notice by touch but enough to let dust and hair stick.) A wash will get the hair off but I suggest you put them in the wardrobe straight away to prevent getting more cat hair on them.
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Forget the lint rollers! Using either a rubber dishwashing glove, leather glove, damp sponge, or damp microfiber cloth, just swipe the clothing, then on stubborn spots rub gently in a circular motion and this will get all the hairs as well as superficial dirt/dust (which a lint roller won't). I've seen people suggest a few tumbles in the dryer with a dryer sheet, but I don't find that very effective on some of the tougher, smaller undercoat hairs that seem to get embedded in the fiber. Good luck, and I hope you can start modeling your new wardrobe soon!
3M makes lint rollers which are usually available at any grocery store, Wally World, or the like. Wrapping packing tape around your hand and using it to blot off the hair works as well.