What is the smoke of the boiler?
Coarse particles generally use gravity sedimentation and inertial force separation, in the higher capacity is often used centrifugal separation electrostatic precipitator electrostatic precipitator and bag filter has a high dust removal efficiency.
Flue gas dust used by the force of gravity, centrifugal force, inertial force adhesion and sound waves, static electricity and so on.
With the high chimney can only reduce the concentration of pollutants in the atmosphere near the chimney.
Measures to control the discharge of these substances are pre-combustion treatment, improved combustion technology, dust removal, desulfurization and denitrification.
Boiler flue gas contains dust (including fly ash and carbon black), sulfur and nitrogen oxides are polluting the atmosphere of the material, without purification when the emission targets can reach environmental protection requirements of several times to several times.