what is the stuff that look like pellets to substitute soil when your growing hydroponics?
You will not need a light or spraying. Tarantulas do not need light and many of them spend most of their time hiding away from the sun. Rose hair tarantulas come from one of the driest deserts on earth, the Atacama. Ambient moisture, plus the moisture from the water dish and the hide, will be more than enough for them. Too much moisture and you can cause mold or even rot their booklungs. However, with tarantulas that do need moisture, I usually pour water directly into the soil to raise the humidity.
I keep my spiders on half compost and half vermiculite. I sterilise the compost by putting it in the freezer for 48 hours. I have a terracotta flower pot on its side for the spider to hide in and I have a little bit of cork bark in a small arch shape which I sink slightly into the compost and I dig a little bit under it and the spiders carry on digging and build a burrow. I feed them one cricket once a week. They make a mat like web and flip onto their back to moult their old skin. Stop feeding when they are building this web and don't feed for about 4 or 5 days after the moult. Don't disturb them when they are moulting and leave them a few days after a moult before you handle them. Spray every few days. Spray the compost and not the spider. They hate being sprayed. They don't like bright light. If you have a light as a heat source use a red light. You can heat the tank with a heat mat. I have my spiders on top of my hot dessert lizard tank so they get heat from there.