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What is wrong with this windshield wiper arm?

I have a Pontiac granprix 6cyl 3.1 engine and one of my wiper arms has malfuntioned and I want to know if I can repair it myself or if it has to be taken to auto shop??? The one on driver side works fine other one either runs way too fast or not at all. What is the problem? Please help!!


In most cases yes - unless you can find the identical brand, model and size of tire whose tread depth is within 2/32 of your 3 surviving tires. AWD cars have been on the market for over 30 years so this should not be news. Even says so in your owners manual. Go had, look. Its in there.
sounds like its loose where is connects to the motor and or linkage simple fix for the repair manI would first go by an auto parts store like AutoZone they may can fix it for you at little to no charge
Something is wrong or bent with the wiper linkage that connects the wipers to the motor.may be best to have a shop look at it. You'd have to open up the cowl panel and inspect the linkage for damage.
Before you take it to a shop, turn the wipers off, and let them settle, then take a wrench and turn the nut that holds the wiper arm to the motor where the splines are. Tighten that and see if it still does it, if it does, you will need to have the wiper motor replaced at a shop, please dont let them install an auto zone one on there, tell them you want delco.
That really is determined on how worn the other tires are. If you have under 10,000 miles on the tires I wouldn't worry about it. The viscous coupling that allows the tires to compensate for different amounts of rotation when you're turning can wear out prematurely if the tires don't have the same diameter. The viscous coupling would work even while going straight down the road because the difference in the tires.

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