What is your favourite Heavy Metal band and sub-genre?!Mine personally varies. I love 80's Thrash Metal (Iron Maiden, Metallica, Onslaught, Megadeth, Artillery) But right now my favourite metal band is probably Children of Bodom (Melodic Death Metal)or Municipal Waste (New Wave of Thrash Metal) :D
actually the metal ion inhibition is very comlicated phenomenon , it is noncompetititive , irreversible kind of phenomenon , according to the reports available these metal ions probably bind to the free sulphhidryl (-SH) grops of the cysteine amino acids present in the enzyme , thereby changing the confirmation of enzyme which is not suitable for the substrate. however there are also reports they sometimes also remove the metal ions present in the enzymes
The two methods of enzyme inhibition are: - When the inhibitor competes with the enzyme for the bonding site on the substrate. If the inhibitor gets to the bonding site first, it mimicks the action of the enzyme, and bonds with the substrate, making it inactive. - The other way is when the inhibitor deforms part of the substrate, and bonds with it there. This changes the shape of the bonding site, meaning that the enzyme cannot bond with it, and making the substrate inactive. Im not sure which one is relevant to metal ions, but I'm pretty sure its one of those two ways...