What of geological features can we interpret based on a magnetic anomaly map on a continent?I know we can find mid ocean ridges, anything else?
Oil additives won't do much. However I do like Fuel addative. About every 10,000 miles use a fuel injector cleaner called BG fuel injection cleaner. It cost about $25.00 and it does work. It cleans injectors and valves. I have seen cars that had fuel problems that would not pass emissions and 1 can it had cured the problem. The product maker is BG.
All fuel and oil add. are a joke. If you want to keep a good running engine, do a oil change every 2500 to 3000 miles and do a tuneup every 25000 miles. Keep your air filter clean as well. A good rule of thumb is if you can see daylight through the air filter, it is still good. As engines get older, u have to watch them more closely.
Just use Techron gasoline and an API class SM or SL oil. All the additives you need are in there, rightly formulated and engine tested.
Any geological feature that involves magnetic minerals will have a distinctive magnetic signature. Many ore deposits are found using aeromagnetics, for instance. You can easily identify intrusive dykes beneath sand - and kimberlite pipes (the kind of rocks that host diamonds). Most rocks have some remanent magnetisation, and the intensity depends on how much magnetic material is in them. Basic igneous rocks are rich in magnetic minerals. So you can use aeromagnetic surveys to map large areas, as long as you can ground-truth the magnetic survey.