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what resin can i cover paper mashe with to make it stronger.?

im making a deadmou5 head out of paper mashe, its basecly a dead mouse helmet. im still paper mashing it but if it doesnt come out as strong as i need it i may need to add something to it in order to make it stronger so it wont bend or easly fold. is there anything i could use in order to add either in the outside or the inside of the head to make it stronger/more resistant?im also planning on sanding it down to make it as smooth as possible so i can add some chrome spray paint onto it for a metallic look, would this work on paper mashe? and will the paint come off easy or does it stay on? i need spray paint that will stick permanently onto the paper mache.


If you see a fire, pull the alarm. It doesn't matter how old someone is or if they have Asperger's or anything else. It's important to pull the alarm. Added: Why can't anyone answer something nicely?
Wasting time to read the directions out loud.smart! If theres a fire you pull the fire alarm, Aspergers or not. It doesn't matter who pulls it, its a fire, and when anyone sees a fire they should pull a fire alarm. After he pulled it and you were away tell him he did a good job that, that was a very smart move? Trusting him to pull it? Why do you have to trust him?!?! This is very confusing and dumb. Bottom line..if anyone ever sees a fire PULL A FIRE ALARM!
Good luck however if you are researching the overpaid government agency personnel. You really need to start with Senators and Congressional representatives. Also make sure that you include any extras. Such as the $1.5 Million that each senator and congressional representative receives as an extra expense account. Lets not forget while you are at it the fuel for the Air Force Jet that the speaker of the house uses two to three times each week to travel between the District of Columbia and her home in California. That for sure is a major waste of the taxpayers money. When you get it all figured out you can multiply it by that of 200 senators and 435 congressional representatives. This is just a start and a drop in the bucket of the congressional waste in each department of the federal and state government agencies. One of our major problems is that they refuse to correct their internal waste. Their approach is the same as that of any congressional blunders that they are responsible for. Let the taxpayers pay for it. After all section 8 of the constitution and the 16th amendment gives them the power to rob the poor to feed the rich and make the high ranking government officials even richer.
What?! Why would you waste time by reading the directions out loud, or pulling it together? The fire would just burn everything down, and probably light you on fire for being so damn slow!
yeah why not? anyone is allowed to pull a fire alarm even a child or even someone with aspergers. it makes no difference who pulls it so why wouldnt you let him?

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