I can get a bag of tomatoes at the farmers market for cheap but some of them become ripe very quickly and I don't want to have to throw them out.
I use zip lock sandwich baggies because its air tight.
Wax paper sandwiches tied up with string, that's in straight forward words one in all my prevalent issues! i understand it doesn't quite make any sense and they are the incorrect words to the music yet oh properlylol :-)
Make mini frozen pizzas.take some english muffins and slather on a little olive oil.now layer on the fresh tomatoes, pizza spices like oragano and some cheese.wrap in aluminum foil and freeze.nice to have a whole bunch of these on hand.just pop in micro to heat up or put under broiler.when readyYou could also make larger pizzas the same way using pita bread unsplitTake a long loaf of French bread.cut in half and butter.sprinkle with garlic salt,,,add the tomatoes,,,top with Parmasean cheese and pop under broiler.this can also be frozen.
I don't know how one would go about rapping sandwiches.