we are creating a video and the sound the camera pics up is way to quite and you can't hear usso we need mics for each of us, but the transmitter ones are way to expensive. and ideas? we need to be able to move around in the videos.
The first answer just kind of made me say huh?? Saying that smoke detectors are triggered by heat is a clear indication that that person doesn't know what they're talking about. There are smoke detectors and heat detectors. Heat detectors are not common at all. Heat detectors do just that, they detect heat - and they are normally only triggered when the heat level changes a lot in a short amount of time. I really, really doubt that you have a heat detector. Smoke detectors are very common it is very likely that that is what you have. Within the category of smoke detectors, there are two types, ionization photoelectric. The second answer is an accurate description of how an ionization type works. The photoelectric type work just like the little alarm bells at stores in the mall - the thing that make a littleding-dong sound when someone walks through the door. It shines a little light at a receiver. As long as the receiver sees the light, it knows that everything is okay it doesn't sound the alarm. When smoke is present, it blocks the light from getting to the receiver. When the receiver can't see the light it sounds the alarm. There is a much more technical answer than that, but that's the basic explanation. The bottom line answer is: No, it won't set off your smoke detector.
There is no possible sense in shopping that far ahead. You have no idea how fast baby is going to grow and you'll end up clothes that fit during the wrong seasons. Buy newborn and 3 month sizes. The rest can wait. (The stores will still be there.)