What's the noise when the shaker is running?
During vibration, relative sliding occurs between the spring end and the support. Because of the dry friction, the friction noise frequency is high and the sound is large, so the steel wire spring is changed into a rubber spring, and the impact of the screen body and the noise generated by the screen can be reduced to a certain extent. Tighten the bolts of each part of the vibrating screen to avoid additional vibration due to the looseness of individual parts. Replacing the metal sieve plate with the polyurethane sieve plate, because of the large internal resistance and small elastic modulus of polyurethane material, the use of polyurethane sieve plate can effectively reduce the noise produced by the impact of the material on the impact of the screen plate.
Sieve plate noise is mainly in the process of falling material and screen collision occurred. Spring is generally spring steel wire, in the vibration of the high frequency vibration of the screen will also produce more noise. Damage of bearing and exciter gear will cause abnormal noise if it is not found in time.
The noise of the linear vibrating screen mainly comes from the sieve plate, spring, bearing and exciter.