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Where can I buy a replica NASCAR firesuit for use as a Halloween costume?

I am looking for a fire suit for my grandson.


Why do blacks always make such a big deal of one little comment? If a black calls a white a redneck or something its no big deal, but blacks always overreact.
I really don't understand the surprised amazement of this man's comment about black females. I mean the way he thinks is the way caucasian men always have thought about blacks and women. More so if it is a black women. His type of thinking has its roots in this country. It is nothing new as to how he thinks. I mean, yeah defend the women because somebody has to come to black women's defense, but it hardly surprises me on his comment. The real offense is when stupid black men call black women whores in their stupid little rap music! C'mon america, wake upracism still lives.
As usual the straight media let us down so that for the first two days I only heard the nappy-headed Ho comment without the reference to hard core Hos and tatoos. That changes things. He was not making just a lame attempt to emulate a rapper but was instead making an earnest effort to defame these players. While it is imaginable that some team actually might look like tough inner city kids, in which case Imus would have been justified in remarking about that in his own crude style, he did not see hard-core Ho s and I can't see how he could possibly see tatoos. What he did see was a team with African-American playersnot more. Furthermore, coming as you do from Oakland, you must know better than most, that girls like these are an indangered species in the ghetto. Americans at large should note that upwardly bound black young people in the Bay area have been targeted and murdered specifically because they had opportunity in American society. Thereforeeven if it conflicts with Imus's apparent hero-worship of the rapper-ethicgirls like these are at the opposite poles from the Hood and their very survival requires that they be properly affronted. However, what I would like to see is a law suit. Fired? What do you do about people who are not employees? Isn't it kind of sheepish to appeal to a 'higher authority' when we have the courts? And why are we seeing an attermpt at a movement? Americans are fed up with movement politics, at least when it is applied at such a low level. If he deserves to be sued, still he isn't public enemy no. 1 He isn't in a league with Gingrich or Limbaugh. If anybody should be violently ripped out of the fabric of society it is people like them, not Imus. And so it looks arbitrary and hypocritical. And so it all smells like An Al Sharpton Production and down the road it will lose the Democratic Party some votes.
difficult point. check out over a search engine. this will help!

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