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What's the strongest performance of the AMD Series CPU?

Listen to what others say is the core series of bulldozer high performance than i5 with K core, too expensive!Which is the strongest? Is it better than i5's best model? By the way how the performance of GTX660 Yeston graphics?


Agree with the views of the brothers, a 8120 AMD like you usually play games and the Internet will open so few common things, there is no need to open, if you ask the high recommended with the Intel platform, it is practical AMD955 black box and I3 platform with a 5604606850 card like enough. You spend money on more than just a computer, replacement fast, practical on the line, ha ha
Gtx660 is a display chip produced by NVIDIA, and all the graphics cards using this chip are gtx660. The online and what I said are all good chips, not any brand.Video cards have many manufacturers do, they get chips from AMD or nividia later, or their own R & D, or their own R & D, foundry, or complete control of the channel, the basic R & D, the production of fully oem. The details can be measured by yourself, too much.
Single game, online games open, I3 seconds amd family, this is not exaggeration, is reality, i5 without K, seconds fx8350 is enough.More open online games, fx8120 seconds Intel family, this is also a reality, physics shrink more nuclear than super thread, false multi-core or strong many, more advantages when the task is obviousI guess you need to buy i5 instead of a bulldozer or a fat dragon. You should not have more than 20 wow, Eve, and more open demand.Yeston just pathway goods, general quality. GTX660 is good. Yeston GTX660 performance in general, is not a bad kind.
See your graphics cardCPU no problemThe video card must pass the high-end line
Or fx8350?This CPU is the 8 core of the 4 moduleIs the two core, a thread, 2 times the ability of a single threadIn addition, fx8350 seems to be able to operate 8 threads per core(a rating website, ZOL or something?)That is, the 8 core, 4 threads to 64 threadsSingle threads are still 960 (or more) than i7's 2100, or i7's.Multithreading...64 thread seconds i7 family!(AMD processor with AMD graphics card will be betterBesides, AMD's video card has high cost performanceNvdia's wordsGTX begins with middle, high-end, and high-endGTS midrangeGT low and entry-level (also called the performance level is low, idiotic name.)See for yourself

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