i'm having a bonfire with about 20 people, what should i get as far as snacks, chairs, blankets etc.?
I /proxy This works perfectly well and i just checked with myspace and it seems to be working!! Hope it helps! Dont forget to Thumbs people up! Froggerpfchotmail .uk For msn contacting and emailing no spam please!
USA i accidentally marked the answer by CLC as good. That was a mistake on my part. Exterior water line - use type K copper. Interior domestic water pipe - type L. Type M is usually used with baseboard heating systems. Sweat with propane or MAPP gas. Mapp burns hotter than propane, ergo the joints are heated faster for soldering. Copper pipe and tubing is the same outside diameter for types K, L and M. One fitting fit all types, you do not buy different fittings for K, L or M.