Elec. bill is too high, so I wanna run 2HP swimming pool pump via generator. It's 240V. How big a generator do I need? Is diesel less to purchase than gas? Is diesel cheaper to run? Can I run the pool say 6 hrs a day on generator designed for emergency back-up?
Why get a generator? The price of gas locally is $2.33 a gal. Diesel is $2.94. Electricity is still cheaper. If you insist on doing anything try going solar. You can get a tax rebate, sell the excess electricity generated by it to the electric company and help the environment.
A generater of a 3600 watt capasity ought to work. the choice of engine to drive it is your choice
The fuel will cost several times more than electricity.
If you take into consideration the initial cost of a generator and the fuel to feed it, electricity is still the better deal.
you can run the pool off a generator, but you will nedd a a heavy duty one, the generator is going to have to power the pump, in order to pump the water i say you need a a 420 v generator. lowes home improvment store has them.