Yesterday, I was walking into the video store with my giant bookbag(because I was coming straight from four English classes), and my bookbag got stuck in the front door of the store!!And for that reason I got stuck too loland the guy working there turned around and saw the whole thing!hahaso what was your most embarassing moment?
Sounds like it may have a short(bare,broken,exposed wires) I'd stop using it and get another. It could cause a fire
This could mean a variety of things. Maybe you're scared of commitment or of women. Possibly you had a life experience that turned you off to certain types and that's what you attract. This could also mean you are genuine and not a player; you know that you don't want random hook ups and to use people for sex and you don't want to be used either. (Good for you! that's rare to find these days.) Or, the other option, you could be confused about your sexuality. Denial is strong and maybe you need to just reflect on how you feel. Do you ever, I mean EVER, even the slightest bit, think about men in more of a friend way? I'm not an expert by any means, so please don't be offended or anything. I hope you figure things out. (: