What will the price be of the 2009 camaro?
Most likely you are ok and plastic or metal or wood or anything that would have introduced something bad into your blood would be be what I would worry aboutI would clean cover the cut after I put some antibiotic cream on it, drug stores and supermarkets have the cream on the shelfGood luck
Did you put an antibiotic cream on it like Neosporin?? If you did, then you've done all you can! It will heal over time.
If the plastic cup you were cutting was clean and no plastic debris is left in the wound then it should be a simple case - it'll scab over in a day or 2 and heal pretty quicklyJust keep it clean and change the dressing daily until a solid scab forms.
You'll be fineIt might swell a very little bit for a very short period of time, like a few hours probably less if it does at all, and it might be a little redJust put some neosporin on it if you have some, if not then don't worry about it the hot water should have cleaned it out, just keep a band aid on it for a day or twobut if it's small and not deep then there is nothing to worry about.