i have a conair curling iron that is blue and get up to 350 degrees . which I feel is unnecessary for any hair type for the iron to get to a tempurture you bake cookies at LOL. When it its on the lowest heat it sometimes burns my hair. I have long ,thick hair. it doesnt always curl my hair good enough and it makes the curls unkempt and ratty. ( I comb my hair throughly before curling too!) So should i get some rollers/ I tried velcro cold rollers and Pin curls and my hair goes FLAt. everytime it never works out, So I obviously need something with heat. should I get some hot rollers? If so what kind are the best and cheapest? where should I get them?
And I was complaining coz of 2 days of rain we've had in QLD!! We've been pretty lucky as to weather emergencies. I think the biggest emergency was from really strong winds bringing trees down in the paddock and one of the horses getting caught under one. Thankfully she was ok. She just stayed under the fallen tree until we got there and then got up and ran away! Silly mare
You should probably talk to your doctor about that. It really depends how bad your sight is. I personally wear glasses because i have trouble with far things yet i don't need special goggles. But You may just need prescription goggles or just wear contacts.
What ruling is there to be made? Shield Wing can't be destroyed by BATTLE up to twice per turn. The cards you're talking about destroy with card EFFECTs. If it is destroyed by any effect in any way, it is not destroyed by battle, regardless if battle was declared, or carried out, or anything. If the effect destroys it, its destroyed by a card effect. For future reference, every single substep of the Damage Step leading up to monster being destroyed by battle has to happen for a monster to be destroyed by battle, including the Start, the Flip (if a face-down monster is attacked), before, during, and after Damage Calculation, and resolution of effects that were already triggered or can activate after Damage Calculation (like said monsters who got flipped up o D.D. Warrior Lady). If, for some reason, any of those substeps does not happen, the Damage Step ends and nothing is destroyed by battle. The monsters you're referring to destroy the monster during before Damage Calculation, causing the Damage Step to immediately end, so nothing could have been destroyed by battle.