My 04 mazda 6 while driving made a poping noise like cv axle was going bad. stopped and checked it and the cv axle was sliding out of the half shaft. It was about 1 inch out and I pushed it back in. Drove 115 miles checked it and it was sliding out again. Anyone know a reason it would be doing this and how to fix it. I checked all suspension and its all tight so its not from suspension pulling on it. Any Knowledgable help would be appreciated.
Any autoparts keep can get this for you. in case you will do your guy or woman paintings, you should make buddies with an autoparts keep,you may get suggestion, in specific cases borrow approaches, and in case you're severe adequatea chit.
Can't help you there but if your t-case is a NP231 and you live anywhere between Atlanta and Boston or close to the path between I'd like to get it from you.
are you trying to kill your self? That motor with that short wheel space.? wow.
It should have a locking ring! What may not holding it! Should take it to the mechanic! It will cause a lot of damage when during driving comes all the way out! good Luck!
cv axle and half shaft are the same thing, and i hope you dont mean that the axle shaft is sliding out of the trans housing do you?? if you do than who ever put ur axle in didnt snap the snap ring on the end of the shaft correctly, thats wat the snap ring is there for, to prevent the shaft from comming out.