i made the chemicals combine in two sets:(sugar+acetic acid+calcium chloride)+(acetone+hydrogen peroxide)what does this mixtures create? I'm only curious
As I was baking a potato in my open fire pit, sparks started blowing about, landed in a grove of dry brush, so I ran over to get my hose to put it out, then sat down in my easy chair, where my pooch walked up and gave me a little nuzzle.
If you perform the reaction with very dilute solutions (2 % by weight maximum) of the two chemicals it it safe but the reaction if you mix the two chemicals together directly is highly explosive and should NEVER be attempted. The potassium nitrate is then recovered by evaporation. Wear rubber safety gloves and mix the liquids together drop by drop, don't just tip one into the other. Any spills onto skin must be washed away with large quantities of clean water. Are you absolutely sure that there are no laboratory chemical suppliers from whom you can obtain this chemical as the above method is long winded and tedious to try and produce the quantities required for pyrotechnic making.
yes, if use in an uncontrolled manner, such as street fireworks. Don't do it!