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Whats the additive inverse of 2/3?

and the multiplicative inverse of 1/4? thank you for your help


The inverse with respect to an operation of a certain number is a number which after operating with it equals to identity. Identity with respect to an operation is a number which after operating with the particular number a equals to a. e.g. Identity with respect to addition (additive identity) is 0 because a + 0 a Whenever we add 0 to anything the answer will always be the original number with which it was getting added. and Identity with respect to multiplication (multiplicative identity) is 1 because a x 1 a Whenever we multiply anything by 1, the answer will always be the original number with which it was getting multiplied. So inverse with respect to addition (additive inverse) of a number would be such a number that when we add both the numbers, the sum should be equal to identity (additive identity 0) a + (-a) 0 so, additive inverse of a number is negative of that number. That means additive inverse of 2 is -2, of 5 is -5, of 6^5 is -6^5 and so on. Similarly the inverse with respect to multiplication (multiplicative inverse) of a number is such a number that when we multiply both of them, the product should be equal to identity (multiplicative identity 1) a x 1/a 1 so, multiplicative inverse of a number is reciprocal of that number. That means multiplicative inverse of 2 is 1/2, of 5 is 1/5, of 6^5 is 1/6^5 and so on. So, ADDITIVE INVERSE OF 2/3 is -2/3 and MULTIPLICATIVE INVERSE of 1/4 is 4

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