Ive all ways done the chest press till now. I can do 120lbs. About how much would i be able to bench press? Is there such a conversion?
Bench press is the same sort of thing except done with free weights not on a pin loaded piece of equipment. There are some things to bear in mind: The bar weighs 44lb alone. You also have to control any lateral movement in the bar at the same time as well. Give it a go but don't be disconcerted if it seems harder at first. Don't try and lift too heavy at first, the object is to help not hurt yourself. Keep your feet flat on the floor, don't listen to any clown who tells you to put them up on the bench, this only creates imbalance and you have to use more strength in keeping balanced so you'll lift less. Try and keep your shoulder blades pinched together and concentrate on your chest when you lift. Mostly, good luck and happy lifting.
Start out a lot lower than 120 until you get used to the feeling of having to balance the bar. It's a lot different than the chest press machine. It's harder since you have to use stabilizer muscles that you don't have to use with machines. I don't think there's a good conversion, because each chest press machine is different. So, just start out low and see what you can do. That's the safest bet.
Like the machine chest press? Well I would say probably 100lbs to be safe because the machine compensates a lot for that weight. Your pushing horizontal instead of vertical and the machine is designed to be more safe. It's really not the same workout at all because on a machine your not really training all your stabilizer muscles (it's more on an isolation) that you'll need once you switch over to free weights. Also on a bench press have a spotter if your going to push to failure for obvious reasons unlike on the chest press.
well how excacly do you do the chest press, explain it. i can bench 335lbs, but i don't excacly know what you mean by chest press?