Home > categories > Minerals & Metallurgy > Iron Ore > Whats the strongest Iron ore for Trees, and grass can grow on but still be good for hovering cars and trucks?

Whats the strongest Iron ore for Trees, and grass can grow on but still be good for hovering cars and trucks?

Well is it (a) dark grey(b) bright yellow(c) deep purple(d)rusty redand what is the forma to (FegO4) for exampleand yes I am a scientist


May just need new brake pads. Disconnect the battery for about 2 or 3 minutes, reconnect it and see if the light comes on right away. Whatever the cause, it needs to be addressed asap. your brakes are not something to put off. Consider buying a Chilton or Haynes repair manual for your car, you can find most answers in there with a little reading.
For a scientist, that's a pretty incoherent question.
i get old shavings from auto shops that turn rotors and drums dunno if that helped at all, but Good Luck

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