I went to work yesterday and when I got into my car the car didn‘t start and everything was shot off. The lights were on and I knew the battery was dead. After this, I got my jumper cables out and tried to jump the car but when I turned the key, the RPM gauge needle went all the way to 8 and dropped to the other side and the whole system shut down. After that, nothing else worked even with the cables connected. It‘s a 1990 Honda Civic and it‘s a fairly new battery. What is the problem and how do I fix it?
You didn't give a lot of info. You said your lights were on. Was your headlight working? If your headlight is working then it's not your battery. The headlight drains the battery more than anything else so that would be the first to go if your battery was dead. Does your engine try to start but just doesn't quite make it or does it not make any noise at all? If no noise, do you hear a clicking noise? These are important questions. Just tow your car into a shop. I doubt you will be able to fix your car by yourself.
The average life for a car battery is 3-5 yrs. Other things could help it fail prematurely. Alternator, Voltage-regulator, leaving lights on, etc. I'd replace the battery and have the system checked. Most auto parts places (ie. Auto-Zone, Advanced Auto, etc.) will do a check for free. They simply hook a machine to the battery and test the voltage under different loads. Good-luck
your starter is broken you will have to replace or have it replaced.all of your electrical supply passes through your starter.if it goes out your locks or nothing else will work.batterys seldom go bad all of a sudden.you could take your battery to a parts store and have it tested.auto zone does it for free and so does advance auto if its not your battery then it.is your starter.if you can jump start your car and it runs for a while and then dies your alternator is bad.the alternator recharges the battery as the car is running.if its not working then your car drains the power from your battery.but i say from personell experience if it wont do nothing and you cant jump start it then it is your starter