I‘ve got two 14 inch wheels and now I need to attach them so that they rotate on one axle. I also need to put a free hub so that when I stop peddling the wheels keep rotating.How would I do this. I really need to know.
You can clear it by disconnecting the battery for about 5 minutes, but if there is a emission problem (more than likely a EGR valve) than it will come back on after about 10 miles of driving.
so just use some metal rod tha tyou put through both the hubs which are freewheel
If I understand what you are asking, you want to run two wheels side by side. Right? I don't know why or that it even matters. Go to a machine shop in your area and take your wheels, including the axles that came with them to the shop. (yellow pages dot com) What you will need made is a hardened steel axle that will fit between both wheels with the proper contours for all the bearings. Maybe they can weld the two existing axles together and have them in perfect alignment. Didn't the wheels have a free hub on it already? If not you will need to get a 14 inch rear wheel to make your contraption. One that has the free hub already.