Home > categories > Security & Protection > Safety Goggles > When a water heater explodes, why does it shoot straight up like a rocket?

When a water heater explodes, why does it shoot straight up like a rocket?

Is it because the bottom is hotter? Does that make the metal weaker? I would think it would be weaker at the top, because of the holes for the pipes.


Get one. They are fun, very economical, some are kind of stylish. Just be sure to buy a Honda, Yamaha or Suzuki. I'm sure you're aware of the quality of Chinese products. As far as safety, I had two classmates that were hit by a car as they walked home from school. One died and the other lost a leg. Goes to show you that even walking is unsafe.
If you do were safety goggles and maybe a mask over your mouth i dont think it will harm your skin but just incase gloves, long sleeves,pants sneakers,maybe even a ski mask
take my advise im a hair dresser ger an iron and place it on ur hair if lots of steam comes out ur using the sampoo that aint right for ur hair i have the same problem good luck

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