When it comes to working with abusive families, what would you do to preform at your professional best?
Working with abusive families is a career can be emotionally draining because we see too many children, mothers and fathers in desperate need of assistant. In order to preform at you best it is important for you to get assistant in regards to your feelings. A good therapist will but your feelings in check. Helping others can be a difficult task but with a good therapist you should have no problems. On the other hand, if it too troubling for you-chose another career.
dont be judge mental and just do your job. to many people in any line of work let their own opinions get in the way
I would try to remember something that a counselling Pastor said to me, my husband and daughter a year ago when he was counselling us: It is not the people that are the problem. It is the things that they do. That helped. Well, it helped me and my daughter but not ... not the other one.
leave my personal feelings and anger at home.