When you drink and drive do the speed bumps knock the ice out of your glass?
This Site Might Help You. RE: My smoke detector keeps beeping! How do I fix it? It makes a high pitch beep once every minute, we have changed the battery, but it still does it! What is going on? It's so annoying!
It's a short boat- you gotta sit in the back. both things say poor watersking boat. There are a few things you can do to improve your Pick up. First secure your gas tank and battery up front. Figure a way to put your tow rope higher than the hull. This will give a cantilever effect to the skier. Meaning the weight of the forward part of the boat will build up inertia and jerk the skier up. You will know if you over do it as the boat will flip over backward. Steering is a buggar when it all comes together. Jtex has a lot of good advive the alcohol in the gas thing and the higher octane in a low compression engine Iagree is a wast of money. One thing about fiddling with the pick up point on the throttle is you will develop a small lean spot in the mixture which will help with the power. Just don't run it there long as you don't want any lean conditions to develop. If there is 2 in the boat have the other way up front and every body be ready to get wet.
First you must make SURE the batteries are installed correctly. Then the alarm has to be tested. Push the test button and that clears the no power signal. -and you can start thinking with your brain
It could be low battery, or if they are hard wired the detector would be faulty so will need replacing.