I'm doing a science project that requires small sheet samples of these metals: 1095 carbon steel, 440 stainless steel, aluminum, and iron. Would anyone happen to know where I can get my hands on some smallish sheets?
Do you really have to go? You shouldn't, if the snowstorm is going to be that bad. Can't you wait a few days? If you can't, make sure you put plenty of weight in the back of your car, in the form of a couple of big bags of sand or cat litter for traction. Also have a portable shovel in case you get stuck, flares so people can find you, plenty of extra blankets and food and water in the car, plus your snow chains. Have heavy waterproof boots, an insulated snowsuit and snow gear and a flashlight in case you get stranded outside your car. Also have a way to set a fire for warmth. And keep your cell phone completely charged at all times. But please, please, if you can wait, do. The crews don't need to be out looking for someone who is traveling when it's not an absolute emergency.
yes it will stick well and you should never have any problems. mdc is so right and i love his answers, fiberglass is pretty easy to work with and bondo can be used to get the final look.
Mailboxes are either typically made of aluminum or plastic, although fiberglass has been used as well Boxing gloves are typically vinyl, but have been made of leather - much more expensive. Golf shoes are typically leather, rarely of vinyl. Diving flippers are typically made of hardened rubber And safety helmets are made of hardened plastics - usually injection molded.