Where can I purchase a pair of safety glasses/goggles in miami, fl? I need them for chemistry. I already checked online at walmart and office depot but there only sold online.
It depends on what kind of resin. Some resins will work better than others. I would suggest a marine epoxy resin as it's made to be UV resistant. It will likely fail over time, but work a lot better than other things.
If your interviewer said they were fine, I wouldn't hesitate to wear them, unless you're worried about the work environment and whether you might feel out of place amongst your coworkers. If you're concerned about that, you might want to wear the hiders until you feel comfortable enough with your new coworkers and think the earrings won't cause much of a stir.
unfourtuantly you would need to go through certain steps to prove all this my opinions iz u have a very little chance of doing so. Well it sucks but there is only one at cause state and is Montana. Every other state in this country is an at will state, meaning that an employer/employee have the will to work policy, at any given time they can terminate with/without a reason, although they don't have to have a reason file unemployement and see what reason they give them and from there an investigation will be done, but if you feel you have been discriminated against then you file a complaint with the EEOC, then file a lawsuit against employer. The only way to prove wrongful termination is discrimanation.