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What's the advantage of mulberry leaves in pillows? Treat insomnia? Benefits and uses of mulberry leaves?

What's the advantage of mulberry leaves in pillows? Treat insomnia? Benefits and uses of mulberry leaves?


Now it is quite cool sooner or later, at noon the sun, the temperature difference is bigger, easy to suffer from colds. Also because of dry weather, so when the fall cold, prone to headache, dry mouth and throat, throat pain, cough, sputum or sputum less and sticky, severe sputum and bloody symptoms.
Mulberry leaves for mulberry plants mulberry leaves, taste bitter, sweet, cold, and return to the lung, liver meridian, there is evacuation of wind heat, Qingfei Runzao effect, a drug both clear and moistening two kinds of effect.
Therefore, we should be targeted in the treatment of cold and dry autumn drugs, too hot Zaolie products such as ephedra, ginger etc. can not be used, the treatment key is clear, run and run, cleanergy scattered fire, can cure dry, clear and moist treatment combined to cold and dry autumn, one of the commonly used drugs is the mulberry leaves.

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