1) I'm in Portland. So shopping needs to be in Portland or online.2) I don't want to spend more than $20 dollars on the rack. I hope not to spend too much on the saddle bag either. So, about $40 altogether. If that's not possible, I'll think about spending more. Just find the cheapest.3) I want a saddle bag that will carry:A) My biking gear which includes: bike pump (1 ft.), tools, bungie cords, fashers/lights,B) A notebook/binderC) A small 4x5ish planner (easy access)D) A box of 3x5 notecards, 1 inch thick (easy access)E) My book of scripture approx 3x5x3 (easy access)F) Warm gear; a hat pair of gloves. Maybe a scarf too.4) I'd like it if the saddle bag had a stripe of reflective material.I'll give you best answer, but you'll have to work for it. I may add more detail, so don't just answer and forget about it. Check back to see if there's anything else that will help you get best answer.You find, props to you!
You . It's basically like remote desktop, but allows you to connect in across the Internet. There are some security concerns associated with this program though, so I'd stick with conventional methods if you want to be safe.
uuummm ok soup yoville i liek dogs dalmitshins lololol day so coot