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Where can I get CCTV, Access Control and Intrusion Detection Systems equipment in Nigeria?

I would also like a source that can design the security system and install the equipment


No. It's just common sense. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Christians can't be hit by lightning. In fact nowhere in the Bible does it say they're immune to anything on Earth that non-Christians aren't, except for in Mark 16:18 — and there are a couple of problems with that passage: Firstly, it may not even be meant to be taken literally, since in Scripture, snakes/serpents can symbolise demons, and poison could be the mental poison of false doctrine. Secondly, many scholars actually believe that Mark 16:18 was a late addition to that particular Gospel. Another person mentioned the Pope and his Popemobile, but I think that's just common sense given past attempts on various Popes' lives (not that I could care less on a personal level but that's only because he's not my leader).
Hand underneath, thumb on top.. like a fire hose.
I'm confused on what you mean by wee. Like wanking or peeing?

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