Home > categories > Security & Protection > Safety Clothing > WHERE DO I BUY HAND BALL GLOVES?!?!?!?


ok i live in brooklyn in the neighborhood hood bensonhusrt and i can NOT find a store to buy hand ball gloves, i dont like buying ffrom cars be cause i can get raped and i need a store to walk too and buy a pair of REALL hand ball gloves, NOT BASSEBALL, HAND BA:LLL ok? ty


Well your is a belt not a chain and all you have to do is bring your car to a certified vw shop and have them look at the belt for wear. I have over 134,000 on my 97 jetta and the belt didnt snap once. usually you are good till around 90,000-100,000. it is wise to have it looked at though and don't wait for it if you are having concerns because it will eat you alive. there is no way to predict when a timing belt is going out. (if it were a timing chain you would hear a ticking sound letting you know the belt is worn)
only irresponsible kids get injured, i own airsoft guns and i always wear proper safety clothes sure it hurts but its not deadly plus there plastic bb's they break when they hit most things so its safe paint ball is more dangerous than airsoft so complain about that

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