I need info re cutting, gluing, types of fittings, pipe grades and types (load capacity, flexibility), bending, attaching materials such as polycarbonate sheeting and so forth. Projects include greenhouse, portable fence panels, et al.
If you would have looked at the safety pin and then at the belly button ring, it should have dawned on you that they're two completely different sizes. The only things you can do now is try to shove the belly button ring in to gage the whole and widen it which is not only dangerous but asking for an infection. Or, you can go to a professional piercing place and show them what you've done and they can fix by using the CORRECT needle to pierce through the spot in order to fit your belly ring into the hole. Otherwise, you did all of that for nothing.
Praypray God is the only solution to this nothing else will work. Whenever you experience a bad spirit you have to claim god and the blood of Jesus christ.Read the bible and pray the psalms when in trials
Well resin can crack easily so I don't think it's very durable.
my lady, there are different types of resin used for many a different purpose. some are hard as rock or flimsy as a twig. it also depends if this wand is hollow or not (in which case it usually is) and therefore, potentially breakable. fact is, if it's a collectable, you shouldn't be waving it around trying turn someone into a frog. it should stay in the case for admiration purposes only (touching it once in awhile is ok). the value of toys is not how much it costs, but how much you are willing to pay for it. nevermind if it's only plastic.