looking for a good, cheap place to buy real NOT replica srt8 wheels for a 2006 charger.
Silk because i always do love the silky feeling.:)
Silk definitely. It's real smooth and very comfortable. But it's quite expensive.
Cotton! Polyester is cold in lower temperatures, and hot in higher temperatures. It is also very flammable. Silk is expensive and nice feeling, but, not very practicable.
Best of luck with that. You're likely to ONLY find them ON a 2006 Charger, or at a Chrysler dealership parts department, if you want OE wheels. If you can find them on a wrecked Charger, you're gonna have to be a tow truck chaser (similar to an ambulance chaser). Oh, good cheap and OE SRT8 wheels are words NEVER seen together in reality. Hey anna: he said NOT replica Can't you read?