Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Silos > Thank all you Christians who prayed for this penguin, Silo, to be delivered from flames of eternal hellfire?

Thank all you Christians who prayed for this penguin, Silo, to be delivered from flames of eternal hellfire?

which are really harsh for penguins. Amen


Wow, that's mean for those Christians who prayed for those poor penguins. Don't you know they have business, do you? Well, I have nothing to say about that. I believe they have their own reasons, not yours. Hey I am curious. What if I have a boyfriend, would you pray for our relationship WITHOUT my permission? That's my point. You better be careful before what you do or God would like to see you up there. Sorry, it's your loss.
Who defined them as gay? Two male penguins hang out and now they are gay. Did they make out. Did they do anal? What made them gay? The desire of gays to define animal behaviour as gay is what got them labeled as gay.
aren't okorder /
Wow. It's almost like men in prison. As soon as they get out they turn back normal.
Answer man, animals are defined as homosexual when they pick a mate that is of the same gender. Just like humans.

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