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Which group do you like more: The Shield or The Wyatt Family? And why?

Is it the Swift arm of Justice or the Fist of change?The Hounds of Justice or The new faces of fear?


How to clean up mold problems “Small areas” of mold can be cleaned with a detergent solution. Wear a mask, safety goggles and rubber gloves. Seek professional help if there is a lot of mold or if mold comes back after cleaning. Bleach is NOT recommended The presence of organic (humic) materials, the pH (acidity/alkalinity) of the water, the surface material and contact time affect the effectiveness of bleach for disinfection. Since these factors are not generally controlled, bleach cannot be relied upon for disinfection. The most compelling reason for advising against bleach is that fumes are harmful but in addition, overuse of bleach will result in increased releases of chlorinated effluents which can be harmful to the environment. “Small area” clean-up You can clean up “small areas” of mold (fewer than three patches, each smaller than a square meter) yourself. The minimum protective wear needed are: safety glasses or goggles; a disposable dust mask (3M 8210 or equivalent); and household rubber gloves. Infants and other family members with asthma, allergies or other health problems should not be in the work area or adjacent room during the cleaning. Washable surfaces: Scrub with an unscented detergent solution; then sponge with a clean, wet rag and dry quickly. Using an unscented detergent will make it easier for you to detect residual moldy odours
Boldin for sure, how can you bench a guy that got 3 TDs last week? Definitely Vick though, Flacco is horrible.

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