Which has a better bass tone, Aluminum or paper cones on a cabinet?
Something is NOT RIGHT with this question choice A is CORRECT choice B is INCORRECT (The rate of cooling depends on the surface areaThe surface area of a cube and sphere of the same mass are NOT the sameIf the word approximately covers the time difference in cooling then this choice is correct) choice C is INCORRECT choice D is INCORRECT ( kinetic energy of the masses is NOT related to temperatureThe average kinetic energy of the MOLECULES decreases during the cooling process) NOTE: The above answer choices for the above question are VERY POORLY constructed, which might indicate the author of the question does not have a full grasp of physics principles involved in the questionAnother example of fuzzy physics.
Good paper has a smoother tone, Aluminum is brighter, but can work in a 4x10 cab, I don't like them in a single or double 10 cab