And alsoWhich two integers are their own multiplicative inverse
An additive inverse of a number is a number that when added to the original number gives the identity element. The identity under addition is the single number that when added to any other number gives that other number. It is similar for the multiplicative inverse and identity. The identity under addition is 0 and under multiplication it is 1. Therefore to solve this use these equations: x+x0 and x*x1 x?1 So solving these equations will get the answers. 2x0, x0 So 0 is it's own additive inverse, x?1, x1 or -1 So 1 and -1 are both their own multiplicative inverse.
answer mine and I'll answer yours
1?11. (-1)(-1)1. So 1 and -1 are their own multiplicative inverse.
How old is the battery ? if it's older then three years it's time to put a new battery in your truck nowadays battery's don't last long because of the newer electronics
Is the battery the original, if so have it checked by your local garage also have your alternator checked under load. The might not be up to the wattage of the new amp.