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Why are there four pillows in the hotel?

Why are there four pillows in the hotel?


At this point, you can put a pillow under the head and neck, used to make a real pillow, the pillow should just from the entire head has been pad to the neck, not pad to the shoulder, not to pad the back of the brain half of the place. The other pillow is placed under two knees, allowing the knee to be slightly flexed and relaxed.If you lie on the side, the width of the shoulder will cause the head and neck to be suspended. If the pillow is lower, you can fold the two pillows together, and the two knee is best to have a small pillow, which will make you feel very comfortable.
Supine, if the shoulder exceeds the pillow, easy to make the cervical spine under pressure; if only half of the head attached to the pillow, it will make the cervical spine vacant, also is improper sleeping position.
The 4 pillows in the hotel room can play different roles according to their sleeping positions.

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